Frequently Asked Questions
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It is not known of any study proving that silicone is a problem for human beings. There is no proof that implants cause cancer.
Implants do not last for life. It is likely that they should be replaced any time. Some women need replacement surgery in a few years, while others, in 10 or 20 years.
Depending on the technique and the breast volume resected, there is a possibility that the mechanism of breastfeeding may be altered due to the section of galactophorous ducts of the breast in order to reduce its size.

Facial ageing
Botox® is a reversible treatment. The therapeutic effect lasts an average from 4 to 6 months. This property grants flexibility of dosage to take different effects in future treatments.
Patient's age, skin ageing characteristics and the used surgical technique modify lifting durability. On average, the effects of this technique last for between 6 and 8 years.
In order to perform a nose surgery, patient should have completed his/her facial development, which finishes between 17 an 18 years of age.
Body contour
This procedure is not a substitute for losing weight. Its utility is related to the possibility to surgically improve body contour, which falls within the ordinary scope of appearance.