Liposuction is a surgical technique that allows correcting those parts of the body such as hips, thighs, knees, arms, abdomen, in which localized adiposities persist, usually rebellious to diet regimens or physical exercises. Although liposuction can not replace diet and exercise, it can remove adipose tissue accumulated in some parts of the body, which are very resistant to traditional thinning methods.
Liposuction is a surgical act therefore it has to be performed in the operating room of a clinic and not in offices.
The best benefits with liposuction are obtained in those people with firm and elastic skin, which have localized adiposities in some areas of the body and with a weight close to normal. It is not recommended to do this in patients who are overweight by more than 20%. The most successful results are achieved from well localized adiposities.
Liposuction is a very effective technique to provide a new body contour with minimal scars

Liposculptures and Liposuction
La Liposculpture or Liposuction is a technique that removes unwanted fatty deposits in specific areas of the body that generate an alteration in the body contour.
Liposuction is not a substitute for weight loss, but an effective method to remove localized fat that does not respond to diets or exercises.
The best candidates are people with relatively normal weight with excess fat in specific areas of the body.
If the patient has a firm and elastic skin, you will get better results in your outline. Through minimal incisions in specific areas to be treated is placed a metal cannula connected to a suction pump, which removes the fatty deposit to be corrected. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under anesthetic sedation, and the use of a sling in the postoperative period is required for approximately 20 days.
The differences between Liposculpture or Liposuction are related to the use of microcanules to improve aesthetic changes.
Hematomas and edema in the surgical area are expected in this type of intervention that resolve spontaneously within 30 days.

Fat grafting and adipose stem cell therapy (lipotransference)
A significant advance in surgical regenerative medicine has been the development and refinement of techniques to transfer fat tissue in a minimally invasive manner. This allows the regeneration of fat tissue in other parts of the body, using a patient's own extra fat tissue.
This technique is revolutionizing many reconstructive procedures, including breast reconstruction. Importantly, fat tissue is an important source of adult mesenchymal stem cells. Discovered by plastic surgeons, adipose derived stem cells, are easy to isolate from fat tissue, and hold tremendous promise for treating many disorders across the body.

Abdomen, Thigh And Arm Dermolipectomy
Abdominal dermolipectomy or abdominoplasty
is a major surgical procedure which removes the excess skin and fat of the lower abdomen; this surgery is combined with strengthening the muscular system of the abdomen, by modifying flaccid skin and protruding abdomen.
The best candidates for this surgery are those people who have a fat deposit with flaccid skin in the abdominal region, which has not changed after exercising or dieting.
In general, this kind of patients has had a great number of pregnancies which have altered the muscular system and the skin of the abdomen.
This surgery combines shape and scars which are generally located around the navel and in the lower abdomen from one side of the hip to the other. Similar procedures are performed in thighs and arms.
This procedure is performed under general anesthesia and requires from 24 to 48 hours of hospitalization.
Each case should be individually analyzed and the surgeon will explain the best surgical alternative to the patient.
Remember to ask how post-operative recovery would be like so that you could return to your daily chores.